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6233: Fachental, Kramsach, Kufstein, Tirol

This is a page about postal code of Fachental, Kramsach, Kufstein, Tirol, with more professional information like latitude, longitude and online map etc.

Postal Code

  • Category: T, 705, 70512, 6233
  • Admin Name 1: Tirol
  • Admin Name 2: Kufstein
  • Admin Name 3: Kramsach
  • Admin Code 1: T
  • Admin Code 2: 705
  • Admin Code 3: 70512
  • Latitude: 47.4389
  • Longitude: 11.7583
  • Place Name: Fachental
  • Postcode: 6233

Click here to buy Austria Postcode Database
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Envelope Example
Envelope Example
For more explanation, please read the official document: AUT.pdf . (English)
Online Map

This is online map of the address Fachental, Kramsach, Kufstein, Tirol. You may use button to move and zoom in / out. The map information is for reference only.

Fachental, Kramsach, Kufstein, Tirol, Austria


I am Pearl from Korea. Ijust got the message from our post office that a parcel
that I sent to our coworker in Austria is being stored there.
I contact my coworker there, and she will try to visit to find the parcel as soon as possible
so please hold it for several more days until she picks it up.
(EMS(EB056183865KR) / fron Uninova in Korea to Aeeon in Autsria.
Thank you,

Our website only provides postal code information, please contact the delivery post office to see if they can store the package for you.

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